Marine fuel combustion laboratory

By Associate Professor Anders Ivarsson, DTU Mechanical Engineering

The establishment of facilities for detailed combustion research of alternative marine fuels started at DTU Mechanical Engineering in year 2013. At that time there was almost no attention on green fuels for the maritime industry, while now it is a matter of haste to investigate green fuels for this industry. However, a laboratory for combustion experiments with explosive and toxic fuels at high pressure is not possible to establish in a haste. In present case, it required three building permission application processes, external consultancy in building and fire safety, commissioning of gas equipment installation by certified companies and a final approval by the Danish Emergency Management Agency. Finally, after years of struggle, in year 2021, the Marine Fuel Combustion Laboratory was fully established and operational, almost in due time to meet all the requests for research in green marine fuels that was emerging.

All facilities presented in the following pages could only be realized due to patient and visionary funding from a complicated patchwork of projects:

Completed projects:

  • RADIADE – Radiation in Large 2-Stroke Diesel Engines, The Danish Strategic Research Council.
  • HyFill-Fast - Fast, efficient and high capacity hydrogen refuelling and onboard storage, Innovation fund Denmark.
  • Establishment of experimental facilities for maritime fuel research, Private funds and industries: Danish Maritime Fund, Orient’s Fund, Lauritzen Fonden, The TORM Foundation, A.P. Moller, Chastine Mc-Kinney Moller’s Fund, Sasol SA and MAN Energy Solutions.

Active projects:


The following pages briefly presents the development stage of the marine fuel combustion lab by the end of 2021. The development is continued on full steam and updates on capabilities, questions or requests will be answered by contacting Anders Ivarsson